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Summon Twilight Tormentor

Summon Twilight Tormentor is a Sorcerer Skill, found in the Daedric Summoning Skill line.

Summon Twilight Tormentor
1.5s Cast
Target: Self

Base Skill: Summon Winged Twilight
Call on Azura to send a twilight tormentor to fight at your side. The twilight tormentor's zap deals 478 Shock Damage and its kick deals 478 Shock Damage. Once summoned, you can activate the twilight tormentor's special ability for 2700 Magicka, causing it to deal 60% more damage to enemies above 50% Health for 20 seconds. The twilight tormentor remains until killed or unsummoned.

Summon Twilight Tormentor is a morph of the Summon Winged Twilight base skill. The other morph is Summon Twilight Matriarch.